Friday, February 11, 2011

America's War on Sexual Rights

Has the conservative agenda come to dominate the national and international conversation on sexual rights?

Obama's victory and the vote against abortion bans in Colorado and South Dakota brought some sexual rights back from the edge of a political precipice, but others remain in the balance.

Join scholars, journalists, and policy makers to talk about how we can help the new administration change policies and reframe national and international thinking on sexual rights.

Participants include Dagmar Herzog, author of
Sex in Crisis: The New Sexual Revolution and the Future of American Politics and Professor of History, Lynn Paltrow, Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, Nation columnist Katha Pollitt, and Faye Wattleton, Director of the Center for the Advancement of Women.

Discussant: Rosalind Petchesky, author of
Sexuality, Health and Human Rights and Distinguished Professor of Political Science. Moderated by Michelle Fine, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the Graduate Center, CUNY - City University of New York. About 90 minutes.


Anonymous said...

Abortion is something that is done to a child after sex, after human reproduction. So this issue has as much to with sexual rights, as, say, capital punishment does (to mention another issue involving whether or not it is OK to intentionally kill people).

Anonymous said...

The attempt to force women to always be required to carry a pregnancy to term is very much connected to sexual rights. The reason that some wish to do this is so that pregnancy is always a option in order to punish sinful women.