Wednesday, October 17, 2007

From faith to reason: Islam to atheism.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses how she went from Islam to atheism.

Monday, October 8, 2007

How Big Business and Big Govt Steals Your Money

Timothy Carney discusses his book The Big Ripoff on how big business can use government to transfer wealth to itself. About 55 minutes.

The Truth about Gasoline Prices

Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute discusses the facts behind gasoline prices. About one hour.

Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism

Michelle Goldberg discusses her book on the rise of theocracy in America. About 55 minutes.

Replacing the Welfare State --- OR NOT?

Charles Murray discusses his suggestions for replacing the welfare state. About one hour.

Overthrow: A Century of Interventionism

For more than a 100 years the United States has been intervening in the affairs of other nations creating a great deal of hatred as a result. Stephen Kinzer discusses the history of American foreign interventionism. About one hour.

Nuclear Energy Now

Admiral Frank Bowman speaks on the need for nuclear energy. About 66 minutes.

Dave Berry's History of the Millennium

About 40 minutes of humor from libertarian Dave Berry.

An evening with Dr. Milton Friedman

An evening discussion with Dr. Milton Friedman, about 1 hour 20 minutes.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Secular Islamist Conference

Here are several videos from the conference on building a secular, rational society within the Islamic world and culture. There are several parts here and I will describe them.

First up is the press conference that was held for the conference. Part one 24:00 minutes. Part two is about 50:00 minutes. Most English but some Arabic.

Ibn Warraq on the purpose of the summit and what it wishes to accomplish. Followed by Irshad Manji. Part one about 25 minutes, part two about 35 minutes.

Panel 2 on Inside the Jihadi Mind with with Tawfik Hamid, Tashbih Sayyed and Nibras Kazimi. Part one 17 minutes. Part 2 about 24 minutes. Part 3 about 27 minutes.

Panel 3 on Rediscovering Secular Traditions in the Islamic world. Part one about 35 minutes, part two about 22 minutes.

Panel 4 on Separation of Mosque and State with Shaker al-Nabulsi, Afshin Ellian, Salameh Nematt and Walid Phares. Part one 26 minutes; part two 37 minutes; part three 40 minutes.

Panel 5 on Secularism and Islamic Thought with Nonie Darwish, Amir Taheri, Wafa Sultan and Ibn Warraq. Part one 44 minutes; part two 42 minutes; Part three 45 minutes.