Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Entrepreneur as American Hero

Prof. Walter Williams on the role of the entrepreneur. About 50 minutes.

Until Proven Innocent: The Duke Rape Case

Political ambition combined with political correctness to railroad a group of innocent young men on rape charges. All they were guilty of was being white and well-off. A discussion of the shameful actions of a local prosecutor and Left-wing academics joining to form a lynch mob. About 83 minutes.

Unproving therapies and freedom of choice

Should the government prevent sick people from using unproven therapies? A debate at the Cato Institute. About 97 minutes

Thursday, November 15, 2007

50th Anniversary Atlas Shrugged

Barbara Branden speaks on the occassion of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Two parts about 16 minutes.