Sunday, August 19, 2007

Radicals for Capitalism Discussion

Brian Doherty is interviewed regarding his history of the modern libertarian movement: Radicals for Capitalism. This is a five minute introduction to the show. Apparently to see the whole thing you have to have their software installed and download the show directly.

Online Videos by

Richard Dawkins on Superstition and Reason

Two parts, total length about 45 minutes.

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Online Videos by

Friday, August 3, 2007

Better Health Through Freedom

Shane Frith discusses economic liberty and health care. About 30 minutes.

A Multi-Optional Constitution for the European Union

Prof. Christian Kirchner discusses a multi-optional constitution for the European Union. About 38 minutes.

Sin Taxes - Government's Immoral Acts in the Name of Morality

A discussion of state penalties, in the form of taxes, against activities considered "immoral" with Sascha Tamm. About 52 minutes.

From Bismark to Friedman: Privatizing the Pension System

Kristian Niemetz looks at the privatization of state pension systems. About 25 minutes.

The EU's Cancer: The Welfare State and the Decline of Europe

Swedish author Johnny Munkhammar discusses the role of the welfare state in the economic decline of Europe. About 35 minutes.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hijacking Catastrophe

A documentary on the lies behind the attack on Iraq and the neo-conservative movement. About 70 minutes.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The historical case for a non-interentionist foreign policy.

Historian Ralph Raico presents the historical case for a non-interventionist foreign policy. Seven parts, about one hour.